English Reformation

English Reformation. Protestantism

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English Reformation by Mind Map: English Reformation

1. received a stinging attack

2. Martin Luther

2.1. protested over abuses in the Catholic Churc

2.1.1. Protestant Churches Lutherism

3. Henry VIII

3.1. Reformation Parliament

3.1.1. Church of England The Great Bible

3.1.2. The Act of Supremacy

3.2. Katherine of Aragorn

3.2.1. Mary I

3.3. Anne Boylen

3.3.1. Elizabeth I

4. Thomas Cromwell

4.1. chief minister

4.2. commisssioned it

5. Dissolution of monasteries

5.1. lands were taken away

5.2. Consequences

5.2.1. economic disruption to those who relied on monastic charity or employment

6. Objectives

6.1. Objective: the annulment of marriage between Henry and Katherine

6.2. Objective: to gain properties. Money was needed due to wars

6.3. Objective: to look for a heir.

7. Resulted in:

7.1. significant religious and political upheasal

7.2. Profound social changes

7.3. Profound cultural changes