Intro To It (Chapter 3 : Computer Software)

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Intro To It (Chapter 3 : Computer Software) by Mind Map: Intro To It (Chapter 3 : Computer Software)

1. Extra Info

2. Interpreter

2.1. translates and executes one statement at a time

3. Commonly used operating system : DOS,UNIX and NetWare

3.1. DOS

3.2. UNIX

3.3. NetWare

4. Video

5. Operating System

5.1. 1. a set of program that coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices.

5.2. 2. provides means for users to communicate with the computer and software.

5.3. 3. functions

5.3.1. <1>Starting a computer

5.3.2. <2>Providing a user interface (a)Command -- line interface (b)Graphical User Interface (GUI)

5.3.3. <3>Managing programs

5.3.4. <4>Managing memory

5.3.5. <5>Coordinating tasks

5.3.6. <6>Configuring devices

5.3.7. <7>Establishing an internet connection

5.3.8. <8>Monitoring performance

5.3.9. <9>Providing file management and others utilities

5.3.10. <10>Administering security

5.3.11. <11>Controlling a network

6. System Software

6.1. Software = program ( consists a series of instructions tells computer what to do and how to do it)

6.2. System software

6.2.1. 1. consists program that control or maintain the operations of computer and device.

6.2.2. 2. serves as interface between user, application software and hardware

6.2.3. 3. Two type of system software Operating System Utility Programs

7. Utility Program

7.1. File manager

7.2. Search utility

7.3. Image viewer

7.4. Personal firewall

7.5. Uninstaller

7.6. Disk scanner

7.7. Disk defragmenter

7.8. Diagnostic utility

7.9. Backup utility

7.10. Screen saver