Developer Event

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Developer Event by Mind Map: Developer Event

1. Cool GSMA Projects

1.1. Smart Cities

1.2. NFC

1.3. Health

1.4. Education

1.5. OneAPI

1.6. Web Apps

2. APIs

2.1. Twilio

2.2. PayPal

2.3. Panasonic Lights

2.4. Nokia (Microsoft?)

3. Ideas

3.1. Mobile Game Hack

3.2. Hackspace

3.3. Meetups

3.3.1. FirefoxOS

3.3.2. HTML5

3.3.3. Javascript

4. Operating Systems

4.1. Android

4.2. iOS

4.3. FirefoxOS

4.4. Tizen

4.5. Windows Phone

4.6. HTML5

4.7. Ubuntu OS

5. Operator Dev Events

5.1. AT&T

5.2. Tizen

5.3. Intel

5.4. MWC

6. Other Dev Events

6.1. Global

6.1.1. Test the Web Forward

6.1.2. Edge

6.1.3. Google I/O

6.1.4. CES

6.1.5. Velocity

6.1.6. JSEU

6.2. UK

6.2.1. MozFest