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1. What do "good listeners" do when they actually listen to someone else? Is it easy to become a good listener?

2. What are the implications of removing any distractions from the surrounding environment during a conversation? Can phones become a distraction?

3. What about interjections or interruptions during a listening performance?

4. What about summarizing what someone else said to you? Is that good or bad?

5. What about asking for clarifications? Is that recommended?

6. Types of Listening

6.1. I + 1 = Comprehensible input

6.1.1. useful for language acquisition

7. 2

8. 1

9. 3

10. Use INTENSIVE and EXTENSIVE listening

11. Use a variety of listening genres (lectures, interviews, audiobooks, poetry, drama)

12. Would you define yourself as a "good listener"? Why / Why not?

13. Why is listening important according to behavioral scientists?

14. What is listening in a one-on-one conversation about?

15. What is high-quality listening?

16. Are smiling and nodding essential factors in a listening exchange?

17. What is the relevance of silence while listening to another person speak? Can "good listening" be equated to agreeing with someone?

18. Use recorded listening from coursebooks and LIVE listening

18.1. Live listening is good for identifying speech phenomena= hesitations, body language, interruptions