User Interview Affinity Map (Home Services) #2

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User Interview Affinity Map (Home Services) #2 por Mind Map: User Interview Affinity Map (Home Services) #2

1. Influences

1.1. Reviews, Ratings, Word of Mouth

1.1.1. Heather: hired a contractor via word of mouth

1.1.2. Pal: makes decisions based on Reviews, Ratings, and Referrals

1.1.3. Heather: would prefer to hire someone if they had good reviews, pictures, and references

1.1.4. LD: makes decisions based on Ratings, Review, word of mouth

1.1.5. William: Goes to Facebook for recommendations, posts and waits for responses

1.1.6. Herbierto: Factors he’d look for if contracting: Reviews Rating Website appearance Years of experience

1.1.7. Steve: Experience with unreliable workers

1.1.8. Patrick: Feels more comfortable paying more if rating is good

1.1.9. Herbierto: Doesn't like unknown worker in his house with his personal belongings

1.1.10. Amna: Uses reviews and word of mouth to decide on who to contract

1.2. Prices

1.2.1. William: Looks for price of tasks first, next would be quality of work

1.2.2. Jose: Price of outsource is the main concern

1.2.3. TD: makes decisions based on Prices, Referrals, Time

2. Priorities

2.1. Renters

2.1.1. Jose: Rents, so any apartment maintenance is done by the building

2.1.2. Jose: When renting, does not do major improvements, but small DIYs are ok

2.2. Homeowners

2.2.1. William: Prefers professional work other than DIY

2.2.2. Patrick: Does not allocate budget towards home improvement because he has other priorities

2.2.3. William: Makes an investment towards the place, so does not want to devalue

3. Task Completion

3.1. Videos/DIY

3.1.1. Pal: watches Youtube for easy tasks

3.1.2. William: Simple tasks are handled personally

3.1.3. William: Watches YouTube to get information about design

3.1.4. LD: watches tutorial videos

3.2. Unscheduled

3.2.1. William: Tasks are done organically, if it is needed then the task will be done.

3.2.2. Jose: Tasks are done organically, not on a set schedule

3.2.3. Heather: very busy, doesn't usually have a consistent cleaning schedule

3.2.4. Jose: Uses weekend mainly for home maintenance

4. Values

4.1. Trust

4.1.1. Amna: Must be able to trust the service

4.1.2. Amna: Being prompt is required because feels like on-demand is a luxury

4.1.3. Patrick: Trustworthiness, Security, Safety

4.2. Affordability

4.2.1. Pal: affordability is important

4.2.2. Herbierto: Would like solution that is cheap and easy

4.2.3. Patrick: Affordability

4.3. Ease & Efficiency

4.3.1. William: Likes quick responses, and instant availability

4.3.2. Steve: Easier and faster way to reach professionals

4.3.3. Patrick: Efficiency

4.4. Quality

4.4.1. Amna: Important that contracts were knowledgeable and did a thorough job

4.4.2. Patrick: Wants job done correctly

4.5. Transparency

4.5.1. Pal: wants to see information charges, taxes, extra fees displayed in receipt

5. Services

5.1. Cleaning

5.1.1. Jose: Would like extra help with small tasks such as laundry, and cleaning maintenance

5.1.2. TD: wants cleaning tasks taken care of

5.1.3. Patrick: Dislikes: Cleaning bathroom

5.1.4. Herbierto: Priorities are: Bathroom (cleaning bathtub) Kitchen cleaning Carpet cleaning

5.1.5. Heather: would like cleaning done a couple times a month if it was in her budget

5.1.6. Patrick: Would like cleaning for particular areas of apartment that he doesn’t like to clean: Toilet Dishes

5.1.7. Heather: would like deep cleaning services, cleaning floors, base boards

5.1.8. LD: would like help with general cleaning, ie. dishes, laundry, etc.

5.2. Outdoors

5.2.1. Pal: would like help with lawn duties; takes too long

5.2.2. William: Likes outdoor, lawn care

5.3. Package

5.3.1. Patrick: Ideal package: Grocery delivery Cooking food Dishes

5.4. Other

5.4.1. LD: relies on large tasks to be handled by contractors

5.4.2. Steve: Would use on demand services in an emergency, ex window breaks