Human Performance Technology
by Chuck Herbst
1. 4. Select appropriate solutions
1.1. Intervention selection
1.1.1. Appropriateness
1.1.2. Economics
1.1.3. Feasibility
1.1.4. Acceptability
1.2. Development
1.2.1. Design
1.2.2. Creation
1.2.3. Verification
2. 5. Implement the interventions
2.1. Planning
2.2. Execution
2.3. Support
3. 6. Evaluate the results
3.1. Monitor
3.2. Maintain
4. Evolution/History
4.1. Learning Psychology
4.2. Instructional Design
4.2.1. Analysis
4.2.2. Design
4.2.3. Develop
4.2.4. Implement
4.2.5. Evaluate
4.3. Analytical Systems
4.4. Cognitive Engineering
4.5. Information Technology
4.6. Ergonomics and Human Factors
5. Roles in the Workplace
5.1. Human Resource managers
5.2. L&D Designers
5.3. L&D Faciliators
5.4. Performance Advisor
5.5. Adoption and Practice Management
5.6. L&D Developers
5.7. IT support
6. 1. Identify Goals of the organization /Business Requirement
6.1. Proactively
6.2. Reactively
7. 2. Define Gap between desired performance & actual performance
7.1. Magnitude
7.2. Value
7.3. Urgency
8. 3. Identify the cause of the performance gap
8.1. Peformance Analysis
8.1.1. Environmental
8.1.2. Skill/Knowledge
8.1.3. Emotional/Political
8.2. Cause Analysis
8.3. Importance
8.3.1. Solve root cause