Our Predictions

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Our Predictions by Mind Map: Our Predictions

1. Cleaning

1.1. A robot that will clean your house (floor, walls, roof, etc.) and take out the trash.

2. Transportation

2.1. An underground train will come and pick you up by the speed of sound.

3. Babysitting

3.1. A robot nanny will be baby sitting your children.

4. Phone control

4.1. You will be able to control your phone with your eyes.

5. Taking cloth on

5.1. Your bed will have a button that makes it easy to take cloth on.

6. Brushing your teeth

6.1. We predict that in 50 year you will brush your teeth by putting a pill in your mouth and a blue liquid will spread out on your teeth and kill Karius and Baktus.

7. Taking a bath

7.1. You won't need to wash your hair. You just need to put your head in a circle-shaped machine. The machine will wash your hair for you.

8. Cooking

8.1. You just put all the ingredients in your oven, then a little screen will appear in front of you and you can choose with one of the meals you would like to have.