by Olivia Latz
1. 3 Dimension Shapes
1.1. Cone
1.1.1. Base is the circle that the sides taper to a point
1.1.2. Example: traffic cone
1.2. Sphere
1.2.1. Every point on the surface is the same distance from the center
1.2.2. Example: basketball
1.3. Cube
1.3.1. Six squares facing each other
1.3.2. Example: Jack-in-the-Box
1.4. Cylinder
1.4.1. Two bases are a circle and the sides taper to one another
1.4.2. Example: Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup can
2. 2 Dimension Shapes
2.1. Circle
2.1.1. No edges or corners
2.1.2. Curve line is perfectly round
2.2. Square
2.2.1. 4 edges and corners
2.2.2. All sides are equal length
2.3. Octogon
2.3.1. 8 edges and corners
2.3.2. All sides are equal length
2.4. Triangle
2.4.1. 3 edges and corners
2.4.2. All three sides are equal length