1. Client Support
1.1. Learning Pathways
1.1.1. Music Technology
1.1.2. Citizenship
1.1.3. Multi-Media
1.1.4. Web Design
1.2. The Passport
1.3. Mentoring
1.4. The Bridge
2. Institutional Services
2.1. Embedded Learning
2.2. Joint Fund Raising
2.3. Staff Training
2.4. Learning Passport
3. Family of Websites
3.1. Escape Artists
3.2. Insight Arts
3.3. Prison Arts Services
3.4. Special Arts
3.5. Beats Learning
3.6. The City Wakes
4. Help Facilities
4.1. Screencasts
4.2. The Knowledge Base
4.3. Web Office Helpline
4.4. Other People
4.5. Intro
4.6. Appraisal
5. Practitioner Training
5.1. Mentoring
5.2. Social Inclusion Practice
6. How we're Funded
6.1. Contracts
6.2. Trusts and Foundations
6.2.1. Wates
6.2.2. Sainsbury
6.3. Friends Scheme
6.4. Sales
6.4.1. OCN Courses
6.4.2. Training
6.4.3. Mentoring
6.4.4. Tickets
6.4.5. Course Materials
6.4.6. Assistive Music Technology
6.4.7. Music Downloads
7. Management Systems
7.1. Marketing
7.2. Tickets
7.3. Induction
7.4. Appraisal
7.5. Finances
7.5.1. Performance Forecasts
7.5.2. Annual Budget
7.5.3. Big Picture
7.5.4. Cashflow Forecasts
7.6. Reports
7.7. Knowledge
7.8. Data
7.9. Information
8. Milestones
8.1. Education
8.1.1. Achieved
8.1.2. Ideas
8.1.3. In Development
8.2. Finance
8.3. Training
8.4. Mentoring
8.5. Online Systems
8.6. Productions
8.7. Marketing
8.8. Assistive Music Technology
8.9. People
9. Theatre Productions
9.1. The City Wakes
9.2. The Rappers' Opera
9.3. The Bach and Mozart Project
9.4. Cambridge Cantata
10. People
10.1. The Board
10.1.1. Sue Hains - Chair
10.1.2. Richard Taylor
10.1.3. Tess Mitchell
10.1.4. Brian - Trustee Designate
10.2. Core Team
10.2.1. Matthew Taylor - Director
10.2.2. Christine Cellier - Finance and Services Director
10.2.3. Sophie Carlin - Administrator
10.2.4. Simon Gunton - Artistic Director
10.3. Freelancers
10.3.1. Megan Bunting - Drama Workshop Leader
10.4. Trainees
10.4.1. Jim - Workshop Leader
10.5. Interns
10.5.1. Yuko Otagiri - Admin Assistant
10.5.2. Sarah Allan - Assistant Producer
10.5.3. Nicola - Education Assistant
10.6. Patrons
10.6.1. Harold Pinter
10.6.2. Roger Waters
10.6.3. Deborah Bull
10.7. Consultants
10.7.1. Alex Leiffheidt - Fund Raising and Development
10.8. On Secondment
10.8.1. Paul Herrington
10.9. Volunteers
10.9.1. Pippa Tennant
10.9.2. New node
11. What kind of company?
11.1. Business Plan
11.1.1. Development Objectives
11.2. Policies
11.3. A Web 2.0 Enabled Social Enterprise
11.4. An Adhocracy
11.5. Social Inclusion Objectives
12. A Bit of History
12.1. Roots
12.2. At the Royal Opera House
12.3. Working with the RSC
12.4. European Work
12.5. Arts@the Edge
12.5.1. Edge Festival 2000
12.5.2. Edge Festival 2003
12.5.3. Edge Conference 2005
12.6. The Cambridge Cantata
12.7. Merger with Insight Arts
12.8. Building websites
12.8.1. Arts on the Out
12.8.2. The Anne Peaker Centre
12.8.3. Joining the Dots