Quadratic Equations

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Quadratic Equations por Mind Map: Quadratic Equations

1. Al-Khwarizmi was a persian mathematician who created six new equations involving roots, squares of roots, and numbers which he used to solve quadratic equations and that's how he derived the quadratic formula.

2. History

2.1. al-Khwarizmi

2.2. 2000 BC babylonians started find out and understand how to use the quadratic formula.

3. Trajectory and height

3.1. When you throw a ball in the air, you can use quadratics to determine how high the ball is going to go into the air as well as the path the ball is going to take.

4. Definition

4.1. An equation on which one or more terms are square but they aren't higher than 2, having the form ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and c are constants.

5. Best study time

5.1. Quadratics can be use to predict the best time for a student to study. For example is there is a point on which a student studies too much and their grade decreases if they study more, a student can find out the best amount of time to spend so they can get the best grade.

6. Solving quadratic equations

6.1. Factoring

6.2. Completing the Square

6.3. Quadratic Formula

6.4. Graphing