Ways In Which I Can Connect With Others

This mindmap helps me to visualise the pleuthora of ways where I am connected to the people around me and the similarities that I share with people.

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Ways In Which I Can Connect With Others por Mind Map: Ways In Which I Can Connect With Others

1. Interests

2. Personal Experiences

3. Gender

4. Work Experiences

4.1. Person

4.1.1. Idea

4.1.2. Idea

4.1.3. Idea

4.2. Person

4.2.1. Idea

4.2.2. Idea

4.2.3. Idea

4.3. Person

4.3.1. Idea

4.3.2. Idea

4.3.3. Idea

5. Family

5.1. Person

5.2. Person

5.3. Person

6. Pets

6.1. Rabbits

6.1.1. Lion-head Rabbits Fluffy Mocha

7. Values

8. Contribution/Giving Resources

9. Age

10. Other Relationships

11. Proximity/Availability

12. Nationality