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1. Tools of geography

1.1. photographs and map

1.1.1. Detail 1

1.1.2. Detail 2

1.2. map

1.2.1. types of maps globes map small scale map Large scale map

1.3. longitude and lattitude

1.3.1. lattitude

1.3.2. longitude

1.3.3. Created by...

2. 5 themes

2.1. fields of geography

2.2. location

2.2.1. absolute location

2.2.2. relative location

2.3. movement

2.4. regions

2.5. place

3. Earth sun and the moon

3.1. solar system

3.1.1. sun

3.1.2. moon

3.2. . Three factors control the amount of solar energy that falls on different parts of Earth

3.3. solar energy and the seasons

3.3.1. solar energy and lattitude

3.3.2. polar regions

3.3.3. Middle latitude regions

3.4. the earth system

4. Earth's atmosphere and climates

4.1. global energy system

4.2. greenhouse effect

4.3. air pressure

4.3.1. warm air

4.3.2. cold air

4.3.3. zones equatorial low-pressure subtropical high-pressure sub-polar low-pressure polar high-pressure

4.4. ocean circulation

4.4.1. polar winds

4.4.2. polar winds2

4.5. orographic effect

4.5.1. windward

4.5.2. leeward

4.5.3. rain shadow effect

4.6. global climate

4.7. mid-latitude climate

4.7.1. high-latitude climate

4.8. physical systems

4.8.1. atmosphere atmospheric effects storms

4.8.2. lithosphere

4.8.3. hydroshpere

4.8.4. biosphere

5. The geography of water

5.1. water

5.1.1. ocean

5.1.2. frozen/ice caps

5.1.3. fresh water

5.2. water resources

5.2.1. head waters

5.2.2. tributaries

5.2.3. water shed

5.2.4. estuaries good for..

5.2.5. lakes glaciers volcanic eruptions

6. Global landforms

6.1. rock weathering

6.2. water

6.2.1. gulleys

6.2.2. valleys

6.2.3. canyons

6.3. glaciers

6.3.1. sheet

6.3.2. mountain glaciers

6.4. wind erosions

6.4.1. rock

6.4.2. deserts and beaches

6.5. earth layers

6.6. large land forms and plate tectonics

6.6.1. plate tectonics

6.6.2. plate boundaries

6.7. pangea

6.7.1. laurasia

6.7.2. gondwanaland

6.8. Land form developement

6.8.1. primary

6.8.2. secondary

7. New England states

7.1. resources

7.2. climate

7.3. conneticut

7.3.1. "the Constitution state" or "gadget state"

7.3.2. ***Hartford, CT

7.3.3. agriculture

7.4. maine

7.4.1. "pine tree state"

7.4.2. ***Augusta, MA

7.4.3. agriculture

7.5. new hampshire

7.5.1. "the granite state"

7.5.2. **Concord, NH

7.5.3. forest

7.6. vermount

7.6.1. “The Green Mountain State”

7.6.2. ***Mountpelier, VT

7.6.3. agriculture

7.7. rhode island

7.7.1. "ocean state" or "little rhody"

7.7.2. ***Providence, RI

7.7.3. agriculture

7.8. massachusetts

7.8.1. "the bay state"

7.8.2. ***Boston, MA

7.8.3. agriculture

8. The middle-Atlantic states

8.1. new york

8.1.1. ***Albany, NY

8.1.2. "the empire state"

8.2. pennsylvania

8.2.1. ***Harrisburg, PA

8.2.2. "the keystone state"

8.3. new jersey

8.3.1. ***Trenton, NJ

8.3.2. "garden state"

8.4. delaware

8.4.1. ***Dover, DW

8.4.2. "the first state"

8.5. maryland

8.5.1. ***Annapolis, ML

8.5.2. "old line state"

8.6. west virginia

8.6.1. ***Charleston, WV

8.6.2. "the mountain state"

8.7. megaloplis

8.7.1. boston

8.7.2. new york

8.7.3. philadelphia

8.7.4. baltimore

8.7.5. washington, dc

8.8. issues