2014' E-SURFMAR Design Study version 0.1

Revision of the E-SURFMAR Design Study performed in 2004

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2014' E-SURFMAR Design Study version 0.1 by Mind Map: 2014' E-SURFMAR Design Study version 0.1

1. History

1.1. Success

1.1.1. VOS metadata database

1.1.2. Data timeliness

1.1.3. S-AWS tender

1.2. Evolution of the networks

1.3. Evolution of the budget

2. Requirements


2.2. WMO (OSCAR)

3. Status

3.1. Networks

3.1.1. Drifting buoys

3.1.2. Moored buoys

3.1.3. Voluntary Obs. ships

3.1.4. Shipborne AWS

3.2. Data transmission systems

3.3. Cooperations

3.3.1. Env. Canada

3.3.2. NOAA

3.3.3. Moon members

3.4. Compensation scheme

3.5. Quality controls

3.5.1. Monitoring

3.5.2. Blacklists

3.5.3. Feedback mechanisms

3.6. Performance assessments

4. Introduction

4.1. Organisation


4.1.2. JCOMM

5. Satellite Obs. Capabilities

5.1. Programmes

5.2. Parameters

6. Proposal

6.1. Networks

6.2. Compensations

6.3. Costs

7. In situ obs. Capabilities