Film Opening Signopsis

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Film Opening Signopsis by Mind Map: Film Opening Signopsis

1. character

1.1. Good Guy

1.1.1. blazer

1.1.2. Jeans

1.1.3. smart shirt

1.1.4. smart shoes

1.2. Bad Guy

1.2.1. Head scarf to cover face

1.2.2. general

2. location

2.1. school media room

2.1.1. room with apple mac's

2.1.2. Hi-tech room to steal data from

2.2. car park in town

2.2.1. multi story car park

2.2.2. good for shooting a chase scene and different angles

3. conventions

3.1. good guy

3.1.1. suit

3.1.2. slightly dirty

3.1.3. cut on the cheack from fighting

3.2. bad guy

3.2.1. suit

3.2.2. cuts on the face and nuckles

3.2.3. messy messy hair

3.3. chase scene

3.3.1. on foot

3.3.2. cars

3.3.3. crashs

3.4. romance

3.4.1. good looking girl

3.5. double crossing

3.5.1. undercover

3.5.2. act bad but actually good

4. props

4.1. hand gun

4.1.1. The gun will be used by the good guy.

4.2. knife

4.2.1. This will be used by both good and bad guy.

5. Diegesis

5.1. Diegetic

5.1.1. gun shot

5.1.2. rain

5.1.3. traffic

5.1.4. alarm

5.1.5. shouting

5.2. non-Diegetic

5.2.1. inner thoughts

5.2.2. background music

5.3. High passed music

6. Editing

6.1. faced pased

6.2. quick cut backs

7. Action Genre

8. Plot

8.1. good guy steals data from the bad guys they have a chase that hits it climax at the multi story car park couple of shots fired then it ends with a hand to hand fight and good guy wins and walks away.

9. Cinematography

9.1. panning shot

9.2. extreme close up

9.3. tracking shot

9.4. long shot

9.5. extreme long shot

9.6. medium close up

10. mise en scene

10.1. abandoned car park

10.2. hi-tech computer room

10.3. bed room

10.4. bathroom