Theories and Frameworks

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Theories and Frameworks by Mind Map: Theories and Frameworks


1.1. SAMR stands for 4 things

1.1.1. Substitution A form of technology that can perform a task the same as what would be done before the use of computers Like a Print out worksheet

1.1.2. Augmentation An effective technological tool used to perform common tasks Like an online quiz

1.1.3. Modification Step between enhancing and transforming the classroom Like an audio recording of an essay

1.1.4. Redefinition Allows for new tasks that were previously impossible Like a documentary video

1.2. Changes begin to appear in the way that children learn in the classroom when technology is introduced

1.2.1. Teachers go from guiding all aspects of the lesson to saving paper, immediate assessment, giving students a chance to enhance the quality of their work through the use of technology, and collaboration giving the "guiding" aspect to the students.


2.1. These three kinds of knowledge can be combined to create

2.1.1. Technological content knowledge

2.1.2. Pedagogical Content Knowledge

2.1.3. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge

2.2. TPACK consists of three kinds of knowledge.

2.2.1. Content Knowledge

2.2.2. Pedagogical Knowledge

2.2.3. Content Knowledge

2.3. Shows us the knowledge that teachers must possess to use technology effectively as an education tool.

3. Philosophy of Teachnology

3.1. A teachers beliefs about how technology can enhance and transform their teaching ability and students learning ability

3.2. Students can benefit from the use of technology in the classroom

3.2.1. They can learn how to become good digital citizens and what digital citizenship means

3.2.2. They can be better prepared for real life scenarios as technology continues to grow

3.2.3. Learning how to use technology enhances a students work and lows them to personalize it and make it up to their standards.

3.3. Different ways we can use technology

3.3.1. In the classroom using things like smart boards, iPads, video and according devices, etc.

3.3.2. Online with professional learning networks and ePortfolios.

3.4. Best uses of technology in the classroom

3.4.1. Allignment - Technology should fit in with and enhance the curriculum

3.4.2. Accesibility - it must be easy for students to access and use the technology as it should be for you the teacher! make sure to familiarize yourself before including technology into your curriculum.

3.4.3. Assessment - Assesment should be clear. Make sure your students know what they are going to be assessed on when using technology with regards to assignments

3.4.4. Reinforcement - not only should teaching enhance and fit the curriculum, it should add to it and simply not reiterate,

4. 21st Century Learner

4.1. Fundamental Knowledge

4.1.1. Core Content

4.1.2. Cross Disciplinary Knowledge

4.1.3. Information Literacy

4.2. Meta Knowledge

4.2.1. Problem Solving

4.2.2. Communication

4.2.3. Collaboration

4.2.4. Critical Thinking

4.3. Humanistic Knowledge

4.3.1. Life/Job Skills

4.3.2. Ethical/Emotional Awareness

4.3.3. Cultural Competence