Frameworks and Theories

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Frameworks and Theories by Mind Map: Frameworks and Theories

1. Philosophy of Teachnology

1.1. A teachers personal ideas and beliefs about using technology in the classroom to enhance learning

1.2. When adding Technology into your lessons it is key to keep in mind these principles:

1.2.1. Alignment This technology is adding substance to the lesson.

1.2.2. Accessibility Will your students be able to use this site efficiently and effectively?

1.2.3. Assessment As with all assessments in the classroom it is crucial that your students understand how they will be graded for their work.

1.2.4. Reinforcement Adding technology should enhance your lesson not just be an electric copy of what you usually do.


2.1. Demonstrates how technology can improve and strengthen learning

2.1.1. Modification Everyday tasks are completed on the computer as well as taking more steps to broaden the skills used to compete common assignments

2.1.2. Substitution At this level the teacher is not making any changes to the lesson they simply add an extra step to include technology for example emailing in homework as a method of handing in homework

2.1.3. Augmentation Computer technology is used as a practical tool to enhance classwork

2.1.4. Redefinition Technology has been successfully integrated into the classroom. Students now use the computer to enhance their own learning.


3.1. This framework evaluates that to use technology effectively it must be used in addition to these concepts:

3.1.1. Technology knowledge

3.1.2. Content Knowledge

3.1.3. Pedagogical knowldege

3.2. Teachers are always working on improving their lessons so that they are meeting each of TPACKS targets