Theories & Framework

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Theories & Framework by Mind Map: Theories & Framework

1. 21st Century

1.1. Uses technology in class rooms to analyze info, collaborate with others, solve problems, make key decisions, adapt to new info, & create curiosity and imagination among students

1.1.1. Allows for students to have more options with learning which creates better oppertunities to learn material The goal of 21st Century teaching is to create globalized classrooms

2. Philosophy of Teachnology

2.1. Personal views and opinions on how an individual will encompass technology within their classroom

2.1.1. Develop a question to ask how technolgy will be used in a classroom and it's overall benefit to student's learning Personal Learning Networks (PLN's) is associated with my Philisophy of Teachnology


3.1. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge is needed by teachers to incorperate technology into their teaching

3.2. 3 primary forms of knowledge: Content, Pedagogy, & Technology.


4.1. Has 4 levels of learning: 1. Substitution, 2. Augmentation, 3. Modification, 4. Redefinition

4.1.1. Discusses how teaching and learning can be utilized via technology

4.2. Enhances or Transforms learning

4.2.1. Substitution eg: Students print worksheet, finish it, hand it in Augmentation eg: Students use word instead of pen/pencil to take test Modification eg: Using Google docs to allow for convinient and real time sharing of ideas