Why Believing in Elohim

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Why Believing in Elohim by Mind Map: Why Believing in Elohim

1. Paradise

2. Life has a purpose

3. Learning to love others

3.1. Others feel better

4. Inner Peace

5. Self Development

5.1. Wisdom

5.1.1. Fundemental morals (God sets the morals)

5.2. Strength

5.3. Kindness

5.4. Joy of Life

6. Gives you value

6.1. To the eyes of God

6.2. To the eyes of the people

6.2.1. Women

6.2.2. Society

7. Overcome personnal issues

7.1. Lust

7.2. Anger

7.3. Pride

7.4. Selfishness

7.5. Hatery

7.5.1. Against yourself

7.5.2. Against others

7.6. Sloth

8. A beautiful relationship with your creator