Community Helpers Interest Web

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Community Helpers Interest Web by Mind Map: Community Helpers Interest Web

1. Are these children familiar with home phones or smartphones?

1.1. Would bringing in old smartphones be beneficial to their play?

1.2. would smartphones be a good idea for communication in dramatic play

2. What knowledge do children already have about community workers?

2.1. Discuss the "why" with children about community helpers

3. Discuss the "why" with children about community helpers

4. What forms of artistic expression can help the children learn more about community helpers?

4.1. Find songs related to chosen interest to engage children

4.2. Engaged in themed activities for the week during creative arts time

5. Is this something the chid has observed?

5.1. Have they seen they seen police officers, firefighter, doctors ect. before?

5.1.1. What has this experience been like?

6. Do they know what firefigters do?

6.1. Do they know about fire safety.

6.2. Do they know what firefighters wear?

6.3. Do they know about firetrucks

7. Do the children know what police officers do?

7.1. Do they know what they wear?

8. What scenarios and roles in dramatic play can we incorporate different roles?

8.1. Doctors office

8.1.1. Receptionist

8.1.2. patient

8.1.3. doctor

8.1.4. nurse

8.2. firestation

8.2.1. firefighter

8.2.2. Person that needs help

8.3. police station

8.3.1. 911 operator

8.3.2. policeman

8.3.3. Caller

8.4. Post office

8.4.1. letter carrier

9. Do they show interest in pretending to be these community workers?

9.1. Would they benefit from a themed prop box?

9.1.1. different prop box per job everyday of the week?