How to Implement Culturally Sustaining Practices

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How to Implement Culturally Sustaining Practices by Mind Map: How to Implement Culturally Sustaining Practices

1. Support and Challenge

1.1. Be a warm demander

1.2. Scaffolding

1.2.1. Graphic organizers

1.2.2. Bilingual resources

1.2.3. Group work

1.2.4. Scaffolded questions

1.3. Have students reflect on their academic mindset

1.4. Interdisciplinary and project-based learning

1.5. Implementing social justice and anti-racism education

1.5.1. Engage in activities that foster social and political awareness, such as studying environmental issues or participating in community volunteering

2. Relationship Building

2.1. Mindfulness and self-care

2.2. Offer peer opportunties and collaboration

2.3. Exhibit human qualities to encourage students to trust you and themselves

3. Connecting Schools and Families

3.1. Virtual meetings for family members who live away

3.2. Regular updates

3.3. Commmunication tools

3.4. English classes

3.5. Childcare

3.6. Flexible Scheduling

3.7. Cultural Competence Training for staff

3.8. Community liaisons

3.9. Seek input from parents on curriclum and school policies

4. Engagement

4.1. Support Adjustment

4.1.1. Gather information about newcomers and families to ensure that their immediate basic needs are met

4.1.2. Create welcoming and supportive opportunities to support orinetation

4.1.3. Access the necessary support to newcomer families as they transition to life in a new country

4.1.4. Build on the existing initiatives of others who have welcomed and supported diverse children and families.

4.2. Collaboration

4.2.1. Adopt a broad, culturally informed, and positive practices of parental involvement

4.2.2. Engage parents in making connections to key vocabulary and concepts and building relevant background knowledge in the home language

4.2.3. Encourage parents to tell or read stories to their children in the home language

4.2.4. Honor parents for their contributions in preparing their children for learning at school.

4.3. Support Home Langauge and English Language Development

4.3.1. Highlight the positive impact of ongoing home language use and development on English

4.3.2. Suggest ways parents can support their child’s literacy development in the home language

4.3.3. Invite families to co-create multilingual books

4.3.4. Understand the effects of home language loss and its impact on family and social relationships

4.4. Communication

4.4.1. Incorporate opportunities for families to see, hear, and use their languages in the school and classroom

4.4.2. Ensure that parents have access to information in their preferred language

4.4.3. Obtain reliable and accurate interpretation and translation services

5. Literacy Instruction Strategies

5.1. Translanguaging

5.1.1. Answering in home language

5.1.2. Discussing with peers in home language

5.2. Dynamic bilingalism

5.3. Read alouds

5.3.1. Model language skills Pronunciation Intonation Rhythm

5.4. Multilingual texts

5.4.1. Bilingual characters

6. Cognitive Routines

6.1. Project Zeros Thinking routines

7. Information Processing

7.1. Build intellectural capacity

7.1.1. Chew time (actively process information) Talk to learn Rhythmic Mnemonics Story-ify Content Graphic Organizers

7.1.2. Review (apply new information) Play a game Solve a mystery or problem Long term problem

7.1.3. Ignite (get brain's attentoin) Call and response Music Provocations (something to provoke thought) Talk

7.1.4. Chunk (make information digestible) Present information in small digestible bits

7.2. Culturally orientated techniques

7.2.1. Call and Response

7.2.2. Music

7.2.3. Provocations

7.2.4. Start lessons with a talk