Theory of Consumer Behaviour

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Theory of Consumer Behaviour by Mind Map: Theory of Consumer Behaviour

1. Consumer's Budget

2. Budget Constrain

2.1. P1x1 + P2x2 ≤ M

3. Preferences of the consumer

3.1. Indifference Curve

3.1.1. Indiffernce Map

3.1.2. Diminishing marginal rate of substitution

3.1.3. Features of IC Convex Never intersects Higher IC shows higher satisfaction Negatively sloped

3.1.4. Consumer's Equilibrium

3.2. Monotonic preferences

4. Utility

4.1. Total Utility

4.2. Marginal Utility

5. Budget Set

5.1. Changes in Budget Set

5.1.1. Increase in Income

5.1.2. Decrease in Income

5.1.3. Price of good 1 decrease

5.1.4. Price of good 1 increase

5.1.5. Price of good 2 decrease

5.1.6. Price of good 2 increase

6. Budget Line

6.1. P1x1 + P2x2 = M

6.2. Vertical Intercept

6.3. Horizontal Intercept

6.4. Slope of Budget Line

6.5. Points on Budget Line

7. Substitution between two goods

7.1. Rate of Substitution

7.2. Marginal rate of substitution

8. Demand

8.1. Demand for a commodity

8.2. Market Demand

8.3. Demand Function

8.4. Law of Demand

8.5. Demand Curve

8.5.1. Individual Demand Curve

8.5.2. Market Demand Curve

8.5.3. Demand curve slopes downward Price Effect Income effect Substitution effect

8.6. Demand Schedule

8.6.1. Individual Demand Schedule

8.6.2. Market Demand Schedule

8.7. Linear Demnd

8.7.1. q = a-bp

8.8. Determinants of Demand

8.8.1. Price

8.8.2. Income Normal Good Inferior Good

8.8.3. Price of other commodities Substitute good Complimentary Good

8.8.4. Tastes and preferences