Sophie Moll
by Essi Airaksinen
1. appearance
1.1. deepred brown hair
1.2. tall for her age
1.3. bigger than Estha
1.4. blue-grey-blue eyes
1.5. skin colour of beach sand
2. Life
2.1. Lives in London with Margaret and Joe
2.2. almost nine when she died
2.3. seems to be angry to her father
3. family
3.1. mother
3.1.1. Margaret Kochamma
3.2. father
3.2.1. (biological) Chacko
3.2.2. Joe
3.3. cousins
3.3.1. Estha
3.3.2. Rahel
3.4. grandparents
3.4.1. Mammachi
3.4.2. Papachi
3.5. aunt
3.5.1. Ammu