FF91 Creating Brand Voices and Personas

How to create Personas and Brnd voices using AI

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FF91 Creating Brand Voices and Personas by Mind Map: FF91 Creating Brand Voices and Personas

1. Brand Voice

2. Step by Step

2.1. Core values

2.2. Mission

2.3. Tone

2.3.1. Some crossover

2.4. Language, Terminology and Vocabulary

2.4.1. Avoided Language

2.4.2. Vocabulary

2.4.3. Grammar

2.5. Unique Selling Proposition and Key Differentiators:

2.6. Target Audience Characteristics

2.6.1. General, you will also build specific Avatars

2.7. Exampe Content

2.8. Brand Kit Info

2.8.1. Colours, fonts etc

3. Generate Brand Voice Instructions

4. Master Plan

4.1. Combinations

5. Confused? Me too.

5.1. Persona

5.1.1. assistant with a specific personality, expertise, tone, and style that aligns with your brand's identity

5.2. Brand Voice

5.2.1. reflects the brand’s core values, mission, and identity.

5.3. Avatar

5.3.1. Customer

6. Special Credit

6.1. Dustin Stout

7. Meta Prompting

8. The Well Worn Path

8.1. Load a bunch of your content

8.2. Ask AI to analyze tone and writing style

8.3. Ask AI to create a set of instructions from the analysys

8.4. Use that chat tread ove and over and over and ove

9. What's Wrong?

9.1. Recency Bias

9.1.1. Context Limit

10. Step by Step

10.1. Upload Writing Examples

10.1.1. 4 or 5 minimum

10.2. AI Analysis

10.2.1. Generate Summary

10.3. Create Instructions

10.3.1. Embellish Save where you can find them Seed

11. Random tip

11.1. Be direct, no "please" and "thank you"

12. Benefits of a Persona

12.1. Consitancy

12.2. Effeciency

12.3. Relvevance