Additive Thinking

Topic 1 EDN114 35207543

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Additive Thinking by Mind Map: Additive Thinking

1. Number Lines

1.1. A line that acts as a way to visually display numbers in a regular distribution.

2. Scientific Notation

2.1. A way of displaying very large or very small number in a way that enables the different numbers to be displayed.

3. Sharing Between Groups

3.1. Also more commonly known as division or distribution

4. Scope

4.1. A fluid and flexible document that enables educators with an overview of the key concepts and ideas that are to be taught.

5. Partioning

5.1. This is where numbers are broken into their respective units so as to make comparisons, or solve math problems easier. Usually displaed into sections including Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, and Ones.

6. Base 10 Number System

6.1. Through using the ten different digits to write numbers. The use of the decimal impacts on the base number system through the display of the numerical value of the digit. Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Ones. Each digit has an integer value ranging from 0 through to 9 and can be used in an infinite numbers depending on their position.

7. Adding and Subtracting Negative Numbers

7.1. Subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive number. when adding 2 negatives the result is usually a positive number.

8. Rounding

8.1. Where a number is substituted for another that has an *approximate' value that can make complex numbers easier to work with or understand.

8.2. Example: 23.785 = 24 approx

9. Adding and Subtracting Strategies Flexible Strategies

9.1. Physical counters or a number line can be the most beneficial way to assist in adding or subtracting numbers. Flexible Strategies involves the students using what they already know.