How can we work for the good of society?

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How can we work for the good of society? by Mind Map: How can we work for the good of society?

1. Role of goverment

1.1. maintain external security

1.1.1. to ensure external security, defending the country. Main defence approach that Singapore uses is the policy of deterrence and diplomacy. one example is the Ministry of defence and Singapore Armed force

1.2. maintain internal security

1.2.1. to ensure internal security Sigapore Police Force protects people from crime, terrorism ad pulic disorder

1.3. safeguard interests and citizens

1.3.1. to introduce laws to protect the iterests of citizens to give them a sese of secruity MOM takes charge of matters related to labour polices, immigrations and issue of the Employment Passes, Student Passes.

1.4. provide goods and services for citizens

1.4.1. to provide goods needed and services such as efficient and effective transport systems. Ministry of Enivorment and Water Resources helps to oversee water management, ensuring a safe clean and green enviroment in SG like NEWater and Desalination technology.

2. Role of citizens

2.1. Contribute needs to the society

2.1.1. volunteering formal groups like MINDS running special groups. informal groups like All things Bukit Brown

2.2. Influence Government decisions

2.2.1. SG conversations VWO/NGOs

2.3. Strengthing citizens Sense of belonging

2.3.1. REACH (Reaching everyone for Active Citizenry @home) Social media. Various leaders have their own plaforms Forum feedback channel. Gov agencies have emails to do so.