Industry Hotel

hospitality core

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Industry Hotel by Mind Map: Industry Hotel

1. Hospitality

2. Emplyments

2.1. Work Environmet

2.2. Working Conditions

2.3. Occupantions

2.4. Training and Advancement

3. Case Study

4. Nature Of Industry

4.1. What People Travel for ?

4.1.1. Idea

4.1.2. Idea

4.1.3. Idea

4.2. Definition of hotel industry

4.2.1. Idea

4.2.2. Idea

4.2.3. Idea

4.3. Form of hotel's service

4.3.1. Full - Service

4.3.2. limited-service

4.4. types of hotel and accommodations

4.4.1. commercial hotels

4.4.2. resort and spa hotels

4.4.3. extended - stay hotels

4.4.4. Casino Hotels

4.4.5. Other types

5. Industry Organisation

5.1. Corporation chains of Hotel

5.1.1. Franchising hotel 1

5.1.2. Franchising hotel 2

5.2. Smaller hotel

5.2.1. Family Hotels