Claiming R&D tax relief

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Claiming R&D tax relief by Mind Map: Claiming R&D tax relief

1. [Additional deduction](

1.1. Claimant

1.1.1. SME only

1.2. Expenditure

1.2.1. Revenue Staff costs Consumables & software Externally-provided workers Subcontractors

1.2.2. Capital IFAs only

1.2.3. Not subsidised

1.2.4. Include pre-trading

1.3. Relief

1.3.1. Total deduction: 230%

2. [RDEC](

2.1. Claimant

2.1.1. Large companies

2.1.2. Some SMEs

2.2. Expenditure

2.2.1. Revenue

2.3. Relief

2.3.1. 13%

2.4. Taxable

3. [Payable tax credit](

3.1. Claimant

3.1.1. SME only

3.2. Conditions

3.2.1. Going concern

3.3. Rate

3.3.1. 14.5%

4. [Capital Allowances](

4.1. Claimant

4.1.1. SMEs and large companies

4.2. Relief

4.2.1. 100% FYA