Planning for IHT on death

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Planning for IHT on death by Mind Map: Planning for IHT on death

1. [Is APR available?](

2. [Using trusts](

2.1. Purpose of a trust

2.2. When IHT may be due

3. [Benefits of life assurance policies](

4. [Does your client own heritage assets?](

5. [Is woodlands relief available?](

6. [Is BPR available?](

7. [Gifts that are exempt from IHT](

8. [Advising your client](

9. [Is your client domiciled in the UK?](

9.1. Deemed domicile

9.2. Excluded property

10. [Is your client married/a civil partner?](

10.1. Separation/divorce/dissolution

10.2. Non-domiciled spouse/partner

10.3. Transferable nil rate band

11. [Does your client have a will?](

12. [Gifts to individuals - PETs](

12.1. 7-year rule

12.2. Taper relief

13. [Reservation of benefit rules](

14. [IHT and the family home](

14.1. Gift

14.2. Sale

14.3. Transfer to spouse/partner

14.4. Making use of main residence nil-rate band

15. [The pre-owned assets tax rules](

15.1. Calculating the benefit

15.2. Avoiding the charge

15.3. Effect of the election