Ego is the enemy

Map of the book: Ego is the enemy

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Ego is the enemy by Mind Map: Ego is the enemy

1. Aspire

1.1. Ego derails ambition

1.1.1. “You cannot learn if you already feel that you know.”

1.2. Stay humble

1.2.1. “Impressing people is utterly different from being truly impressive.”

1.3. Be a studen

1.3.1. “The pretense of knowledge is our most dangerous vice, because it prevents us from getting any better.”

2. Success

2.1. Ego grows with success

2.1.1. “The higher we climb, the more vulnerable we become to pride and arrogance.”

2.2. Maintain humility

2.2.1. “We must shun the false crown and continue working, no matter what titles we carry.”

2.3. Seek mentorship

2.3.1. “The person who clears the path ultimately controls its direction, just as a mentor can guide your growth.”

3. Failure

3.1. Ego worsens failure

3.1.1. “Ego rejects that failing is learning. Instead, it rationalizes."

3.2. Learn from failure

3.2.1. “Failure shows us the way—by showing us what isn’t the way.”

3.3. Build resilience

3.3.1. “The only real failure is abandoning your principles.”