The Enlightenment

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The Enlightenment by Mind Map: The Enlightenment

1. Ideas on Society

1.1. Salons

1.2. Overthrow Unjust Rulers

2. Ideas on Government

2.1. Social Contract

2.2. Separation of Powers

2.3. Order v. Free Will

2.4. Government for the People

3. Philosophers

3.1. John Locke

3.1.1. Social Contract

3.1.2. Natural Rights

3.2. Baron de Montesquieu

3.3. Voltaire

3.4. Thomas Hobbes

3.5. Philosophes

4. Scientific Revolution

4.1. Copernicus

4.2. Isaac Newton

5. The American Revolution

5.1. Creation a Federal System

5.1.1. 3 Branches of Government

5.2. Salutary Neglect

5.3. The Declaration of Independence

5.3.1. Inalienable Rights

5.3.2. Thomas Jefferson

5.4. The Constitution

5.4.1. 1st Amendment

5.4.2. The Bill of Rights

6. The French Revolution