Equipment & Crewing

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Equipment & Crewing by Mind Map: Equipment & Crewing

1. Fleet & Equipment

1.1. Aegir

1.1.1. EM+3X

1.2. Balder

1.2.1. EM+3X

1.3. Sleipnir

1.3.1. EM+3X

1.4. Thialf

1.4.1. EM+3X

1.5. NFE

1.5.1. MNFE+5X

1.6. Asset Fleet Support (AFS)

1.6.1. EM+5X

2. Tasks

2.1. Maintenance: uniform value vessel & correlated year budget

2.1.1. Vessel PM is key

2.1.2. WO clear reporting for cost control: PM, FOLLOW UP & improvment & project requirement

2.1.3. Breakdown WO to be reviewed and when applicable converted for future PM

2.1.4. Support task EM to vessel clear

2.1.5. Uniform phylosofies over vessel example Sleipnir

2.1.6. R&M philosophy to be optimized with more cost aware elements

2.2. Financial: transparant and improved

2.2.1. Clarity & better understanding on anual expanses

2.2.2. UniformityResentation on financial presentation

2.2.3. Changes & improvement separate from daily operation and reduce to absolute minimum

2.3. Vessel status: uniform and clear w.r.t. Investment

2.3.1. Matrix as in 2008 (cost code or HSFI).

2.3.2. Investment related to vessel status

2.3.3. Periodical visit to vessel interface / feeling office & vessel

2.3.4. INFOR: uniform and better as mutual tool for EM & Office Clear oupport demand vessel / vessel Office pear responsible WO New program Simplify philosophy

2.4. Vessel crew back to basics standard compo.

2.4.1. Optimize Utilization Crew Current costs? Bear minimum Costs? (Crew compo.) Potential Safings Engineer lead & electrician & MAE in shift Elec department under 1st Engineer Store department continousl6 8n shift

2.4.2. Verify crew compo ER versus yearly hires & devine potential savings

2.4.3. More exchange over vessel possible. Few key with knowledge longer on dedicated vessel

2.4.4. moveability / interchangability to be improved. Better share burden devine impact on costs and accept that above hire

2.4.5. How does KLM plan crew. Improve year planning and stick to it. Less sensitive for operational jumps

3. Specialist Support Division

3.1. Tugs & Barges

3.2. DP Specialist

3.3. Crane Specialist

4. Crew

4.1. Staffing Asia

4.2. Heerema Fleet Personnel

5. Chief Engineers 8 X SSCV & Tugs

6. Technical adviser Sustainability Rinze H.