Participatory Action Research (PAR)

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Participatory Action Research (PAR) by Mind Map: Participatory Action Research (PAR)

1. Branch 1: Concept of PAR

1.1. Definition: Collaborative research.

1.2. Objective: Address real-world problems.

1.3. Method: Integration of action and research.

2. Branch 2: Importance of PAR

2.1. Empowerment: Active participation.

2.2. Relevance: Adaptation to context.

2.3. Social Change: Improvements in the community.

3. Branch 3: Objectives of PAR

3.1. Co-Creation of Knowledge: Collaboration in knowledge generation.

3.2. Action-Oriented Solutions: Implementation of practical solutions.

3.3. Reflective Practice: Continuous reflection and improvement.

4. Branch 4: Characteristics of PAR in Educational Research

4.1. Collaborative: Equitable relationship.

4.2. Iterative Process: Cycle of improvement.

4.3. Contextualized: Adaptation to the environment.

4.4. Empowering: Strengthening capacities.

4.5. Reflective: Critical evaluation.

5. Branch 5: Ethics in PAR

5.1. Informed Consent: Clear information and consent.

5.2. Confidentiality: Protection of privacy.

5.3. Mutual Benefit: Benefits for all involved.

5.4. Respect: Valuation of contributions.

5.5. Power Dynamics: Management of inequalities.