What can we do to foster the Colombian economy?

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What can we do to foster the Colombian economy? by Mind Map: What can we do to foster the Colombian economy?

1. Colombia's economic growth

1.1. 2.45%

1.1.1. 0.37%

2. Strategies

2.1. Enhance

2.2. Promote Innovation

2.3. Improve

2.4. Promote Economic

2.5. Strengthen

2.6. Clear goals

2.7. Improve Governance

2.8. Focus on

2.9. Support

3. References: https://elpais.com/america-colombia/2024-08-08/la-inflacion-en-colombia-vuelve-a-bajar-cierra-julio-en-686.html https://www.radionacional.co/actualidad/economia/crecimiento-de-la-economia-de-colombia-mayo-2024-de-cuanto-fue#:~:text=La%20econom%C3%ADa%20de%20Colombia%20tuvo,se%20ubic%C3%B3%20en%20121%2C69 . https://en-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Economy_of_Colombia?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=es&_x_tr_hl=es&_x_tr_pto=rq#:~:text=Petroleum%20is%20Colombia 's%20main%20export,optic%20network%20in%20Latin%20America. https://www.radionacional.co/actualidad/economia/claves-para-fortalecer-la-economia-en-colombia#:~:text=La%20implementaci%C3%B3n%20de%20pol%C3%ADticas%20que,de%20empleo%20en%20el%20pa%C3%ADs . https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/colombia/overview#:~:text=Colombia%20has%20significant%20potential%20to,diversifying%20and%20expanding%20its%20exports .

4. 1. How did you feel working on this task? I felt good but a little bit overloaded thanks to all the information that you need to read to make a good summary for the mind map. 2. What did you learn while doing it? I learned many things about Colombia's economy that I didn't know and that you have to learn to summarize and select the best main ideas to make a good mind map. 3. In which areas do you think you need to improve? I would say that retaining and gathering information in this kind of task is something that I need to improve. *Based on your reflections, grade your work from 0 to 10. 8.2

5. Colombian economy

5.1. One of largest in Latin America

5.1.1. Mixed economy

6. Colombia Inflation

6.1. Falling again

7. Potential

7.1. PIB 0,8%

8. Domestic products

9. The commitment

10. Free Trade Agreements