Math Lesson Planning

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Math Lesson Planning by Mind Map: Math Lesson Planning

1. Pacing calendar

2. Formative Assessment

3. Grades

4. Anchor charts for the unit

5. Pre module and post module assignments

6. Check for nearpod lesson

7. Misconceptions

8. Fluency (add)

8.1. Movement activity

9. KUB

10. Learning target for unit

10.1. Post in class

10.2. how can i reinforce the learning target

11. Problem set (add)

11.1. Work it out

11.2. We , I do , you do

12. Exit ticket

12.1. what simple stratiegy are you looking for that aligns with learning target

13. Concept Development (add)

13.1. Materials

13.2. Watch video

14. Engagement opportunities during the lesson

14.1. Lead forward

15. Data Analysis

15.1. Data driven lesson - observable lessons (topics /grade taking

15.1.1. Stations