Lesson 2: Foundations of Art: Functions and Philosophical Perspective on Arts

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Lesson 2: Foundations of Art: Functions and Philosophical Perspective on Arts by Mind Map: Lesson 2: Foundations of Art: Functions and Philosophical Perspective on Arts

1. Aristotle

1.1. Every particular substance in the world has an ‘end’ or telos (Greek word for ‘purpose’).

1.2. His view of reality is that a person is destined to attain a life of fulfillment and happiness

1.2.1. a person must be rational Being rational gives a person his ability to think to think is the function of a person; without function, a person fails to be a human being

2. Types of Functions of Art

2.1. Directly Functional Art

2.2. Indirectly Functional Art

3. Different Functions of Art

3.1. Personal Function

3.2. Social Function

3.3. Cultural Function

3.4. Spiritual Function

3.5. Aesthetic Function

3.6. Physical Function

3.7. Political Function

3.8. Economic Function

3.9. Historical Function

4. A functional art cannot be deemed beautiful or pleasing unless it can perform its function.