School Improvement Plan 6th Grade Math
by Shukelia Mitchell
1. Communication with the School Community
1.1. Teachers: Communication will be done through weekly grade-level meetings, monthly department meetings, and email.
1.2. Students: Teachers will set goals with students and provide bi-weekly feedback and progress monitoring. The teacher will prepare students to track their progress.
1.3. Parents: Parents will receive communication via email. Parents will be provided with progress monitoring data. The school will host a parent night to inform parents of the plan to improve achievement. Parents will have access to video-modeled lessons that can be taught at home.
1.4. Community members will have access to the school's website for basic information, which will be updated every two weeks. They will also be invited to parent nights, open houses, and other events. Additionally, the schools will partner with local businesses to access resources.
2. Collaboration and Communication with Feeder Schools
2.1. Curriculum: Feeder schools will work together for vertical planning. Grade level will meet weekly, departments will meet monthly, and feeder schools will meet twice a year.
2.2. Instructions: Common protocols and expectations will be developed for math instructions. Feeder schools will work together to determine what is working and how to collect data to ensure progress.
2.3. Assessment: Feeder school will utilize assessments that align with standards so progress can be documented throughout students' educational careers (iReady, Acap)
3. Data for Progress Monitoring
3.1. Beginning, middle, and end-of-the-year math data meetings
3.1.1. Data source: iReady Math and IXL Math
3.2. Teacher present progress monitoring every quarter
3.2.1. Progress Monitoring sources: iReady Math and IXL Math