1. Modernism as an artistic movement
1.1. This change included experimentation, rejection of traditional values and ideas, disillusionment, complexity of life, interets in non-Western cultures. (ambiguous)
1.1.1. Eliot influenced the developement of the modernists work with features such as open form, free verse, intertextuality, allusions, importance of sound.
1.1.2. Loss of meta narrative and guiding moral principles and Interest in exploring the subjective self The shifting point of view, a discontinuours narrative, self reflection about his writing is meta narractive, interior monologue, stream of consciousness and a focus on conscious and subconscious thoughts (inner speech)
2. Urbanisation
2.1. This movement was characterised by industrilisation, scientific and technological advancement, capitalism and War. (industrial revolution)
2.1.1. Disillusionment with the city space
2.2. People went from small-town life where everyone knew everyone to very big cities where it was easy to feel lost and insignificant - feelings of alienation and isolation were very prominent
3. The railway
3.1. It allowed people to meet more and more other people, contributing to a sense of insignificance compared to the scale of humanity
3.2. Railway crashes created a wave of people experiencing "shock" - which we now know as PTSD
4. A move towards secularism
4.1. a large portion of society was starting to reject religion entirely or at least give it less significance in their lives
4.1.1. Search for spiritual meaning meaning/ fulfillment in a more secular society
5. Pre WW1
5.1. 1914-1918- period of change, disillusionment, question. Extreme and widespread grief that had never before been experienced on such a scale.
5.1.1. Eliot's poems written before WW1 was whilst he was in Paris. PRUFROCK: dedicated to a French friend who died in the Dardanelles