History of English language

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History of English language by Mind Map: History of English language

1. Influences and Borrowings

1.1. Latin

1.1.1. Scientific,Medical,legal terminology

1.2. French

1.2.1. Culinary,Legal,administrative terms

1.3. Greek

1.3.1. Scientific smd philosophical terms

2. Language

2.1. Old English

2.1.1. Vikings,Anglo-Saxons,Jutes

2.2. Middle English

2.2.1. Normans,French

2.3. Early Modern

2.3.1. International Trade

2.4. Modern English

2.4.1. Industral Revolution

2.5. English today

2.5.1. Technology, Jargon, Slang

3. Who helped

3.1. Anglo-Saxons, Monks and Scribes,Geoffrey Chaucer, William Caxton, William Shakespeare

4. Germanic dialects

4.1. Northumbrian, Mercian, West Saxon, Kentish

5. Central Europe

5.1. British Isles

6. Primary Language of the

6.1. USA,UK,Canada,Australia,Ireland,New Zealand