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Ecosystems by Mind Map: Ecosystems

1. tolerance range

1.1. indicates the critical maximum and minimum limits of that abiotic variable that the organism can withstand.

2. keystone animal

2.1. NEEDED in the ecosystem

2.2. removing a keystone animal would have detrimental effects on the ecosystem

2.3. Eg. Bees

3. made up of biotic and abiotic factors

3.1. abiotic factors can be limiting factors too

3.2. living / non living

4. biodiversty

4.1. helps create higher chances of survival

4.2. Prevents bad recessive genes from emerging

5. diversity

5.1. species diversity

5.2. genetic diversity

5.3. ecosystem diversity

6. detritivore

7. organsim

8. predators & prey

9. hdhu

9.1. ?

10. consumer

11. variation

12. heterotroph

12.1. rely on autotrophs for food

13. populations

13.1. species

14. all aspects rely on each other to create a balance

14.1. if one part is taken out, all other parts fail

15. adaptations

15.1. behavioural

15.2. mutation

15.2.1. maladaptations

15.3. physiological

15.4. structural

16. producers, consumer, decomposer

16.1. Autotrophs

16.2. NEEDED for an ecosystem

16.3. autotrophs

16.3.1. able to create their own food via photosynthesis

16.3.2. eaten by primary consumer

17. producers

17.1. autotroph

17.2. makes their own food source

17.2.1. from inorganic matter

17.3. no producers = no ecosytem

18. different species

18.1. creates biodiversity

19. community

20. decomposers

20.1. fungi

21. land and water based ecosystems

22. consumers

22.1. heterotroph

22.2. their food source relies on producers

22.3. omnivore

22.4. carnivore

22.5. herbivore

22.6. primary, secondary and tertiary consumer

23. we live

24. adaptations

24.1. adapting to be able to survive the climatic conditions

25. interactions