Input versus Output Devices

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Input versus Output Devices by Mind Map: Input versus Output Devices

1. Output devices are hardware devices that move data out of the computer.

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1.3. ... and some great ideas too!

2. example: keyboard

2.1. Benefits of the keyboards are that it teaches learners how to type data. Using keyboards are helpful in teaching keyboarding and aid with gross motor skills

2.2. Challenges to keyboards are that some users may not be able use them due to disability or sometimes the keys fall off due to wear and tear.

2.3. Keyboarding is a great application of learning for this input device. Keyboarding allows users to become more comfortable with the keys, which speeds up typing.

3. Input devices are peripheral devices used to enter data and can be connected to the computer.

4. Example: Printer

4.1. Benefits of printers are that they show a physical representation of what information you inputed into the computer.

4.2. Challenges of printers are that they make run out of ink often or they may not be compatible with your computer.

4.3. A great application of learning for this output device is printing out a brochure a student created Microsoft Publisher. It will give the teacher a visual of what the student created.