Walker & White Ch.1

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Walker & White Ch.1 by Mind Map: Walker & White Ch.1

1. Communicative Competence

1.1. 1. Linguistic Competence.

1.1.1. The ability to understand and produce grammatically correct sentences in a language.

1.2. 2. Sociolinguistic Competence.

1.2.1. The ability to use language appropriately according to social context and cultural norms.

1.3. 3. Discourse Competence.

1.3.1. The ability to understand and produce coherent and cohesive texts or conversations.

1.4. 4. Strategic Competence.

1.4.1. The ability to use communication strategies to overcome problems or gaps in language knowledge.

2. Digital Competence

2.1. 1. Procedural Competence.

2.1.1. The ability to effectively use digital tools and technologies for various tasks.

2.2. 2. Socio-digital Competence.

2.2.1. The ability to interact and communicate appropriately in digital contexts.

2.3. 3. Digital Discourse Competence

2.3.1. The ability to produce and interpret coherent and contextually appropriate digital content.

2.4. 4. Strategic Competence

2.4.1. The ability to use digital strategies to solve problems and enhance communication.

3. From CALL to TELL

3.1. signifies the shift from CALL, which used software for language exercises, to TELL, which incorporates a variety of digital tools and uses resources like social media and mobile apps to create more interactive and context-rich learning experiences.

4. History of CALL

4.1. Warschauer & Kern

4.1.1. 1. Structural CALL Based on a view of language as a formal system of structures (Grammar, phonology, etc.)

4.1.2. 2. Communicative CALL Knowledge is constructed in the learner's mind

4.1.3. 3. Integrative CALL Using technology to help students learn a language in real-life situations, combining different skills like speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

4.2. Bax

4.2.1. 1. Integrated CALL. Uses technology in a way that is fully part of the language learning process, blending it naturally into lessons.

4.2.2. 2. Restricted CALL. Uses technology for specific, narrow tasks, like practicing grammar drills or vocabulary lists, often separate from real-life use.

4.2.3. 3. Open CALL. Uses technology in flexible, creative ways, allowing for a broad range of activities and applications that can adapt to learners' needs.

5. Roles of technology in Learning

5.1. Tutor

5.1.1. Technology gives guidance and instruction, like in online courses or apps.

5.2. Tutee

5.2.1. Technology adapts to the learner’s needs, offering personalized support.

5.3. Tool

5.3.1. Technology provides resources and aids for learning, such as apps and games.