Intelligence And Learning

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Intelligence And Learning by Mind Map: Intelligence And Learning

1. It encompasses multifaceted skills that transcend the merely logical. Therefore, it's an adaptative capacity to a variety of situations.

1.1. Under this perception Howard Gardner emphazised in important aspect about the intelligence concept.

2. The Theory of Multiple Intellingences

3. Gardner identified 8 intelligences that each individual possesses but to varying degrees, making it a unique capacity for self-expression.

4. Linguistic intelligence

4.1. The ability in humans to convey their ideas effectively through oral or verbal communication.

5. Logical-mathematical intelligence

5.1. Ability to solve quantitative problems

6. Spatial intelligence

6.1. Ability to think in three dimensions

7. Musical intelligence

7.1. Driven by a focus on rhythm

8. Body-kinesthetic intelligence

8.1. Ability to use the body in a coordinated manner to solve problems

9. Interpersonal intelligence

9.1. Ability to understand and relate to others

10. Intrapersonal intelligence

10.1. Ability for introspection to understand oneself

11. Naturalistic intelligence

11.1. Ability to recognize elements in the environment

12. In this process it's crucial to understand that there are different ways to acquire and retain information

13. Deep Style

13.1. It's an approach that uses strategies of conceptualization ans analysis. Therefore, it includes deriving meaning from cognitive abstraction skills, leading to deep and meaningful learning by connecting new knowledge with prior knowledge.

14. Elaboration style

14.1. It's a personalized strategy that links academic content with the student's personal experiences, drawing from the past and envisioning the future. Through a personal construction, it focuses on experiental learning, where rooted knowledge plays a very important role

15. Types of Learning

16. Superficial Style

16.1. It's focused on memorization without deep understanding, which leads to shallow learning and is traditionally associated with behaviorism.

17. Focusing on how different learners perceive and process information, the conexion of multiple intellingences with learning styles is essential.

18. Connection process

19. Student with an elaboration style

20. Tends to exhibit a high level of interpersonal and extrapersonal intelligence.

20.1. Their ability resides in the significant process to connect new with prior knowledge, being that deep capacity to undesrtand both their own and other`s emotions.

21. Student with a superficial style

22. Tends to exhibit strong Body-kinesthetic intelligence.

22.1. They have a strong ability to learn about the world through movement. The memorization process is high without that need to delve deeply into concepts.

23. Student with a deep style

24. Tends to exhibit a high logical-mathematical intelligence

24.1. Their ability to analyze is strong ans their criitical thinking as well. This allow them to reflect beyond immediatr needs.