Python after 1 month

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Python after 1 month by Mind Map: Python after 1 month

1. Functions ()

1.1. Range() Commonly used to loop a spesific number of times

1.2. Input() To enter data

1.2.1. int and str To convert input to a number or a string

1.3. Print() To display the data from user

1.4. .lower()

1.5. .upper()

1.6. .capitalize()

1.7. .title()

1.8. .replace()

1.9. .find()

1.10. .strip()

1.11. .split()

1.12. .isdigit()

1.13. .isnumeric

1.14. .isdecimal

1.15. .isalpha

2. Variables (As container that stores data for use in my program) Message =

2.1. Topic

2.2. Topic

2.3. Values Mesage = "Hello world" By assigning a value to variable we store value in memory)

3. Operators

3.1. Arithmetic operators

3.1.1. / division

3.1.2. * multiplication

3.1.3. - subtraction

3.1.4. + addition

3.2. Membership operators

3.2.1. in not in

3.3. Comparison operators

3.3.1. > Greater than

3.3.2. < Less than

3.3.3. == Equal to

3.3.4. <= >= (Greater/less than) or equal to

3.4. Logical operators

3.4.1. and

3.4.2. or

3.4.3. not

4. Control flow statements

4.1. Conditional statements

4.1.1. if Checks if something is true. If it is, you do whats inside. If not, you skip it.

4.1.2. elif Check another condition if (if) was false

4.1.3. else if or elif arent true

4.2. Looping statements

4.2.1. for loop iterates over a list, string, etc.. executes a block of code for each element

4.2.2. while loop Repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a condition is true

4.3. Nested logic

4.3.1. Nested if if if

4.3.2. Nested else

4.3.3. Nested loop A loop inside another loop

4.4. Branching statements

4.4.1. break statement Exits the loop when condition is met

4.4.2. Continue statement Skips current iteration and moves to next one

4.4.3. Pass Statement Nothing happens when it is executed

5. Data types

5.1. Integer int Whole numbers

5.2. Float Decimal numbers

5.3. String str sequence of characters enclosed with " "

5.3.1. F-strings Allows include variables in a string print(f"Hello world {variable}")

5.3.2. Slice word = "Python" first = word[0] "P" first_three = word[:3] "Pyt"

5.3.3. Multi-line string """ """

5.4. Boolean bool True or False values

5.5. List [] Collection of items

5.5.1. Can access list using an index (starts at 0)

5.5.2. Can contain multiple instances of same value