A memorable Mid-Autumn Festival

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A memorable Mid-Autumn Festival by Mind Map: A memorable Mid-Autumn Festival

1. How to use this template

2. Khanh 6

2.1. Idea

2.2. Idea

2.3. Idea

3. Nguyen 5

3.1. Idea

3.2. Idea

3.3. Idea

4. Ha 4

4.1. Idea

4.2. Idea

4.3. Idea

5. Recent experience

6. Trang 1

6.1. family reunion

6.2. family traditions

6.3. making or eating mooncakes

7. Mai 2

7.1. go in lantern parades

7.2. make a lantern

7.3. have a gif

8. Vy 3

8.1. full moon

8.2. lion dance

8.3. a tale of Uncle Cuoi

9. Van ( a new member)