Psychology Unit 1

Brief overview of information from AP Psych Unit 1.

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Psychology Unit 1 by Mind Map: Psychology Unit 1

1. Founders

1.1. Sigmund Freud- Founded Psychoanalysis, influenced Carl Jung and Alfred Adler, the unconscious has urges.

1.2. John B Watson- Founder of Behaviorism, psych should stufy observable behaviors, nurture over nature, thoughts can't verify reasearch. (Little Albert)

1.3. B.F Skinner- Influenced by Ivan Pavlov and John B. Watson, studied observable behavior, all actions are as a result of an external stimuli.

1.4. Wilhem Wundt- Founded Introspection. Created the first psych lab circa 1879, Psych should be modeled after physics/chemistry. Experiments= Attention, Memory, Sensory, Reaction Time.

1.5. G Stanley Hall- Founded the APA, studied with Wilhem Wundt, and brought psych to America.

1.6. Edward Titchner- Founder of Structuralism, focused heavily on introspection

1.7. WIlliam James- Founder of Functionalism, Influenced by Darwinism, natural selection, function > structure

1.8. Carl Rogers + Abraham Maslow- Founded Humanism, believed in free will and the theory that human are driven by their own behaviors.

1.9. Jean Piaget- Founded Cognitive Study of Psych focused on childrens cognitive development.

1.10. Michael Gazzaniga- Founded the biological approach of psychology. split brain research+ hemisphere specialization.

2. Approaches

2.1. Structuralism- How conscious experiences makes up the mind.

2.1.1. Functionalism- The belief that psychology should study the functions of the conscious thought. Psychoanalysis- The unconsious mind contains thoughts and urges that shape human behavior. Humanistic-Emphasizes the qualities of humans freedom, free will, and potential for growth.

3. Research

3.1. Applied Reasearch- Clear, Practical Applications.

3.1.1. Basic Research- Not for immediate usage. Scientific Method- Used by Psychologists. Hindsight Bias- " I knew it all along behavior.

4. Scientific Process

4.1. Theory- Explanation using prinicples that predict observations.

4.1.1. Hypothesis- Testable Prediction Operational Definiton- A statement of operations used to define research units. Replication- Repeating research to verify results.

5. Psychologist

5.1. Gives talk therapy, has to earn a degree in Psychology. Studies human emotion and behavior.

6. Psychiatrist

6.1. Can perscribe medication to patients, earns a medical degree.

7. Descriptive Methods

7.1. Case Studies- Atypical, hard to answer truths, however useful for observing behavior.

7.1.1. Naturalistic- "Snapshot" of daily life, can tell why or how, just the what of whatever is happening Survey- Estimates and tests for larger samples, be careful how wording affects answers. Correlational - the study of how traits and behaviors relate to eachother. Scatterplots- Each point represents values of two variables Correlation Coefficent- How closely two thing relate to eachother.

8. Data

8.1. Mode- most repeated number

8.1.1. Mean- average of all the numbers added togethe and divided by the amount of numbers added. Median- midpoint Range- gap between highest and lowest number.

9. Goals + Definition

9.1. Goals- Describe, Explain, Predict, Control

9.1.1. Definition- The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

10. Ethics

10.1. Informed Consent- Psychologist inform participants about experiment procedures, also protect the patient from any mental or pyshical discomfort.

10.1.1. Debriefing- a formal version of providing emotional and psychological support immediately following a traumatic event Confedentiality- Must keep patient information private.

11. Extra

11.1. Placebo Effect- occurs when a sham medical intervention causes improvement in a patient's condition because of the factors associated with the patient's perception of the intervention.