1. Why do we need new Technology?
1.1. In order to survive and thrive within our human condition in a world that can be hostile and dangerous, or at least uncomfortable, we must adapt by developing technology to endure all the challenges the world brings, from the harshest climates to the most threatening pandemics. This way, we have the opportunity to live longer and safer lives. Technology gives us the chance to go beyond the limits of our times, so we can transite from darkness to electricity, and enjoying the age of democratization of information
2. Current Model (Integrative definition of Technology)
2.1. Li-Hua (2007) states "Technology includes more than machines, processes and inventions. Whereas, traditionally it might refer to hardware, these days it also refersto the “soft side” as well. In fact, there are many manifestations of technology: some are very simple while others are very complex.)
2.1.1. Li-hua proposes see technology as a four inter-linked elements: Technique Knowledge Organization Product
2.1.2. "Technology is used interchangeably with Knowledge or know-how". Consit of three principal Categories: Applied Science, skills and intuition. It plays an important roll for controlling and transfering Technology. Organization puts Technique and knowledge together to obtain a product
2.2. Kevin kelly (2010), Ted Talk: "Technology is an extension of life"
2.2.1. he also metionces that "Technology is accelerating all aspects of life"
2.2.2. "Every Technology is a creating force looking for the right job"
2.2.3. "Technology increases:" Differences Diversity Options Choices Opportunities Possibilities Freedoms
2.3. "Technology is any modification of the natural world made to fulfill human needs or desires" (A Framework for K-12 Science Education, 2012)
3. References
3.1. Dyer, J.(2009, December 27). Defining the Word"Technology" Fourth Time. Retrieved from Perma cc record: https://perma.cc/FV4Q-FNNC Li-Hua, R(2007). What is Technology? Journal of Technology Managment in China. Retrived from: https://www-emerald-com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/insight/content/doi/10.1108/jtmc.2007.30202caa.001/full/html National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/13165. TED Talk. (2010, February 22.) Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS1xL1qcBa4&t=341s
4. What I thought Technology was before
4.1. For me, technology is any invention related to objects, things, and pieces of knowledge, mainly generated by particularly geniuses people, from diverse areas such as: the military industry, medicine field or intelectual areas. In some cases, technology was even created by accident. I consider the following creations
4.1.1. Vaccines
4.1.2. Drones
4.1.3. Wheel
4.1.4. Swords
4.1.5. Design Thinking
5. Narrow points of view when defining technology
5.1. John Dyer(2009) mentions on his article that most of us tend to think of any piece of hardware as the only concept related to tecnology.
5.2. Usually, Technology is limited to what is arround high-tech industries "such as computers, superconductivity, chips, genetic engineering, robotics, magnetic railway and so on"(Li-Hua, R, 2007)
6. My new definition of Technology
6.1. Technology is any creation, tangible or intangible, that improves our lives. It acts like a superpower, elevating and accelerating our functions, human attributes, and dynamics in our society. Ideas and perceptions formulate theories and theses, which are later organized for production and finally materialize as services and products. Technology offers a new way of experiencing existing conditions.
6.1.1. How my ideas have changed I recognize that technology has a much broader meaning and impact across different areas and industries. There is a working process between techniques and knowledge that makes the progress we seek through technology possible.