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Technology by Mind Map: Technology

1. What I thought

1.1. Devices and Gadgets

1.1.1. Computers

1.1.2. Cell Phones

1.1.3. AI Robotics Chat GPT

1.2. Networks

1.2.1. Internet Online Communication Platforms WhatsApp Tango Social Media Instagram Facebook Snapchat

1.3. Objects which does work for humans

1.3.1. Cars

1.3.2. Dish Washer

1.3.3. Train

1.3.4. Washing Machine

2. References

2.1. Kelly,2010 Greenlish, 2013 Dyer, 2009 - Definition, "Technology..." Isman, 2012 Karatsu,1990, as cited in Li-Hua, 2007 Sacasas, 2014 Li-Hua, 2007 Friedel, 2002, p-845

3. More than Kays says things that were invented after I was born (Greenlish, 2013).

4. "When people think of “technology,” they tend to think of human artifacts such as machines, electronic devices, scientific hardware, or industrial manufacturing systems. However, a formal definition (College Dictionary) of technology indicates that it has a more general meaning which includes any “practical application of knowledge” or “manner of accomplishing a task”." (Isman, 2012)

5. Technology includes more than machines, processes and inventions." (Li-Hua, 2007)

6. "Technology itself is sunjective and difficult to agree on a concrete definition together" (Friedel, 2002, p-845)

7. "Hard to understand this pervasive thing that we call technology" (Sacasas, 2014).

8. "The combination of human understanding of natural laws and phenomena accumulated since ancient times to make things that fulfill our needs and desires or that perform certain functions" (Karatsu, 1990, as cited in Li-Hua, 2007).

9. "Technology is not just the phones in our pocket and laptop in our bags (Dyer, 2009)

10. Now What I Think

10.1. A Method

10.1.1. A method to create systems and tools for solving problems to make human life easier.

10.2. Innovation

10.2.1. Gaining new knowledge in current time from current problems and using that scientific knowledge to create new solutions.

10.3. Not just "DIGITAL"

10.3.1. Technology is not just limited to digital world but it also a concept of physical world. Bridges Nuclear Power Stations

10.4. Economic Impact

10.4.1. Changes society by improving living standards and affecting economy.

11. How Things Have Changed

11.1. Role In Our Lives

11.1.1. Before In old age Technology was simply seen as entertainment such TV, Social media and for communication between people.

11.1.2. Now Now it's part of everyday human life influencing education,culture,healthcare and transportation.

11.2. Environmental Impact

11.2.1. Before Slow pace of innovations helped the environment to be protected as less amount of materials were used.

11.2.2. After Since the speed of scientific production has increased, environment has been getting damaged at a significantly dangerous pace.

12. Why We Need Technology

12.1. To Imporve Quality of Life

12.2. Human Progress

12.3. Connectivity

12.4. Productivity and Efficiency

12.5. Problem Solving

12.6. Healthcare

12.7. Economic Growth

12.8. Education

12.9. Security and Safety

12.10. New Discovery

13. Definition

13.1. Technology is the use of knowledge and tools to solve problems and make life more easier.

14. "Technology is anything useful invented by the human mind" (Kelly, 2010).