social media and entertainment application

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social media and entertainment application by Mind Map: social media and entertainment application

1. connections

1.1. accept or delet connections with others

1.2. edit connection related settings

1.3. request new connection from other

1.4. mannage connections

2. Authentication

2.1. Register users

2.1.1. user need to insert user name

2.1.2. user need to enter a valid email address user must verify the email

2.1.3. user need to enter a password twice

2.1.4. user must enter the age

2.2. Loging

2.2.1. user must enter the email

2.2.2. user must insert the password

2.3. Forgot password

2.3.1. user must enter the registed email address of the account

2.3.2. user must enter the OTP send to the email

2.3.3. user must enter a new password

3. Dashboard

3.1. search

3.1.1. suggestions

3.1.2. filters

3.1.3. previous searchs

3.2. contents on feed

3.2.1. contents of friends or interested profiles

3.2.2. contents that auto suggest by system according to user activities

3.2.3. promoted contents by other users

3.3. settings

3.3.1. user privacy settings

3.3.2. account settings

3.3.3. user preference settings

3.3.4. general settings

3.4. Notifications

3.4.1. Personal notifications

3.4.2. Notification by system

4. profile section

4.1. edit profile photo

4.2. edit bio

4.3. edit the about and other related personal things

4.4. edit privacy settings related to profile (visibility and permissions)

5. posting new posts

5.1. user must provide title for the content or th post

5.2. user must provide discription and media content if available

5.3. user must able to adjust privacy settings related to post

6. private chat

6.1. user must be able to accept or reject others chat request

6.2. voice call or video call to ecah other

6.3. privately texting to ecah other

6.4. delet chat

6.5. edit chat settings