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Technology by Mind Map: Technology

1. Reference

1.1. - Mechanical Technology : - Industrial Technology : - Medical Technology : - what was the technology before ? reference : : How we communicate : -How we work : - How we travel : - Why do we need new technologies ( climate change) :,from%20the%20generation%20of%20electricity - ( artificial organs ) :

2. What is the definition of technology?

2.1. Technology is all about using scientific knowledge to invent tools and systems that makes our day-to-day lives not only easier but also convenient.

2.2. There are many types of technologies but here i would like discuss about three main types of technology.

2.2.1. Mechanical technology : Putting mechanical parts together to produce control and transmit motions. For example, Manufacturing of a mannual car.

2.2.2. Industrial technology : The use of engineering and manufacturing technologies to make production fasher, simpler, and efficient. For example, Electronics, automations and robotics

2.2.3. Medical technology : the application of science to develop solutions to health problems. For example, the discovery of x-rays

3. What was technology like in the past?

3.1. The oldest technology marks the beginning of the stone age. Approximately 3 million years ago, the first societies entered the stone age. The earliest technological advancements made by humanity were stone tools. Human invented the first axes, knives, arrowheads and hammers by chipping away at rocks to shape them.

3.1.1. The use of knives, axes, arrowheads,hummers in the stone age era was not only for hunting , cutting wood, buchering but also for survivals in war. Stone tools

4. What is technology now ?

4.1. Technology has become a very integral part of humans live in recent decades. It affected almost every aspects of our lives ranging from how we live, think, travel, communicate, and especially, how we work.

4.1.1. For example, we can communicate with our loved ones anytime from far away on smartphones.

4.1.2. Moverover, , we can work remotely through our PC or Laptops.

4.1.3. Also, we can travel easily all over the world by airoplanes, Cars, Trains and so on.

5. How have my ideas changed?

5.1. In recent days, there have been a plethora of technological advancements that help us in our daily lives, while there were quite a few technologies in the past.

5.1.1. For example, ancient people maily survied on hunting animals, while there are varity of foods we consume.

6. Why do we need new technologies ?

6.1. Climate change is defined as long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns. Human activies have been the primary cause of climate change, owing to the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas. As a result, reliance on electric vehicles will have a huge impact in reducing the usage of fossil fuels. Eventually, this will assist to defend agaist climate change.

6.2. Artificial organs will not only meet the needs of organ donors, but will also extend the lives of diagnosed patients.