Government,Economic & Social Life under Delhi Sultanate

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Government,Economic & Social Life under Delhi Sultanate by Mind Map: Government,Economic & Social Life under Delhi Sultanate

1. Local Administration

1.1. Iqtas / Suba / Prant

1.1.1. Combination of Shiqs Head: Muqti / Walis

1.2. Shiqs

1.2.1. Combination of Parganas

1.3. Pargana

1.3.1. Combination of villages Head: Amil

1.4. Villages

1.4.1. Head: Muqadam Villagers group of 84 to 100: Chaurasi Villager accountant: Patwari Most important persons: Khuts and Muqaddam

2. Administration

2.1. Sultan

2.2. Wazir

2.3. Diwan - i - arz

2.4. Diwan - i - insha

2.5. Diwan - i -risalat

2.6. Barids

2.6.1. Chief barid is nobleman enjoying fullest confidence of ruler

2.7. Karkhanas

2.8. Workshops

2.8.1. Department of Slaves

2.9. Wakil- i- dar

2.9.1. Responsible for all the activities

3. Economic & Social Life

3.1. Ibn Battutah 14th Century (Resident of North Africa) in Muhammad Tughlaq court for 8 years

3.1.1. Descriptions made: Condition of peoples Village industries Condition of roads Products of country

4. Trade & Merchant

4.1. Growth of trade

4.1.1. Manufacture of paper

4.2. Production of textiles

4.2.1. Introduction of spinning wheel (use of cotton carders bow)

4.3. Overland and Overseas trade

4.3.1. Oversea trade:Arabs

4.3.2. Overland trade:Central & West Asia

4.4. Roads

4.4.1. Royal Roads Peshawar to Sonargaon

4.5. Growth of metallurgy industry & metal crafts

4.5.1. Iron stirrup, Armours of rider & horses

4.6. Improvement of Rahat / irrigation system

4.6.1. glass making,paper making, spinning wheel

4.7. Introduction of superior mortar

4.7.1. Significant Buildings